Ultimate Intelligence Test Preparation Course


Ultimate Intelligence Test Preparation Course

Develop strong analytical and logical reasoning skills through Tabir Academy to excel in any Intelligence Test

PKR 1800

Ultimate Intelligence Test Preparation Course



High Scoring Challenge: Challenge yourself until you master every concept 

Learning box: Super Easy way to learn all the complex concepts 

Mastery Levels: Learn to tackle easy, medium, and difficult questions. Preparation gets better by clearing each level 

Time saver: 5x Faster Preparation. Score well in no time. Prepare in just 15 days

Bonus Feature: Tabir is Fun 

Progress Bar: 100 percent progress at the progress bar means you are ready for your exam



Welcome to the Ultimate Intelligence Test Preparation Course at Tabir! We are delighted to have you here as we embark on a journey to enhance your cognitive abilities and prepare you for the verbal and non-verbal portions of intelligence tests. This course is designed to equip you with the essential skills and strategies needed to excel in both these crucial aspects of intelligence evaluation


The course covers topics from the Intelligence portions featured in numerous entrance tests as well as competitive exams

Verbal Intelligence

Non-verbal Intelligence


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