SPSC Lecturer's
SPSC Lecturer's Education Preparation Course
Unleash your potential as an Economics Lecturer
This Course Includes:
- High Scoring Challenge
- 5x Faster Learning
- Mastery Levels
- Concept Builder with Learning Box
- Testing and Re-Testing
- Progress Tracker
- Mentorship

Course Overview
Prepare for SPSC Lecturer Education Jobs 2023 with Tabir Academy
High Scoring Challenge: Challenge yourself until you master every concept
Learning box: Super Easy way to learn all the complex concepts
Time saver: 5x Faster Preparation. Score well in no time. Prepare in just 15 days
Bonus Feature: Tabir is Fun
Progress Bar: 100 percent progress at the progress bar means you are ready for your exam
Eligibility Criteria
At least 2nd Class Masters's degree in Education from a recognized University.
Age Limit:
Course Content
1Education61 sub modules
Academic Acceleration
Adult Learning
Alternative Academic Assessment
Attachment Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Behaviour Modification
Blooms Taxonomy
Child Abuse
Cognitive View of Learning
Comparative Education
Curriculum Planning and Implementation
Distance Education
Early Childhood Education
Economic Foundations of Education
Educational Guidance and Counselling
Educational Management & Supervision
Educational Measurement & Evaluation
Educational Research
Education Policy Making in Pakistan
Education System in Pakistan
Instructional Strategies
Intelligence and intellectual development
Intelligence quotient
Learning and theories of learning Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Learning Environment
Montessori Misc
Montessori Motivation
Montessori Psychoanalytic theory
Montessori SOLO Taxonomy
Muslim Philosophers on Education Al-Ghazali
Muslim Philosophers on Education Allama Iqbal and Education
Muslim Philosophers on Education Aristotle
Muslim Philosophers on Education Ibn e Rushd
Muslim Philosophers on Education Plato
Muslim Philosophers on Education Syed Abu Aa la Modudi
Philosophers Socrates
Philosophical Foundations of Education
Physical Education
Psychologists and their contribution Abraham H. Maslow
Psychologists and their contribution Albert Bandura
Psychologists and their contribution Alfred Binet
Psychologists and their contribution Burrhus Frederic Skinner
Psychologists and their contribution Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
Psychologists and their contribution Jean Piaget
Psychologists and their contribution Lawrence Kohlberg
Psychologists and their contribution Psychologists Miscellaneous
Psychologists and their contribution Sigmund Freud
Psychologists and their contribution The Biological Bases of Behaviour
Recent Philosophers on Education Froebel Dewey
Recent Philosophers on Education Philosophy of Education Miscellaneous
Recent Philosophers on Education Theories of Educational Philosophy
Sociology of Education
Special Education
Use of Teaching Aids and ICT in Teaching
2General Knowledge1 sub modules
General Knowledge
PKR 2500
This Course Includes:
- High Scoring Challenge
- 5x Faster Learning
- Mastery Levels
- Concept Builder with Learning Box
- Testing and Re-Testing
- Progress Tracker
- Mentorship