Ultimate ISSB Test Preparation Course
Master the ISSB Test: Your Path to Success
This Course Includes:
- High Scoring Challenge
- 5x Faster Learning
- Mastery Levels
- Concept Builder with Learning Box
- Testing and Re-Testing
- Progress Tracker
- Mentorship

Ultimate ISSB Test Preparation Course: Course Overview
“Challenge yourself until you master every concept”
Inter Services Selection Board (ISSB)
ISSB is a respectable organization responsible for skimming candidates for the commissioned officer ranks in the Pakistan Armed Forces. The ISSB test evaluates a candidate's mental, physical, and psychological aptitude for a career in the armed forces.
Tabir and ISSB
Tabir Academy, committed to academic excellence and professional development, presents the ISSB Test Preparation Course—a comprehensive program designed to guide aspiring military officers through the rigorous selection process. With a deep understanding of ISSB test requirements and armed with an experienced team, Tabir Academy is dedicated to equipping candidates with the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to excel in the ISSB test and pursue a fulfilling career in the Pakistan Armed Forces
If you dream to join the military and embark on an honorable and challenging journey, the ISSB Test Preparation Course offered by Tabir Academy is your key to success. The course offers:
Comprehensive Coverage:
- Ensures a clear understanding of test requirements and thorough preparation for each stage of the selection process.
Skill Enhancement:
- Focus on improving problem-solving abilities, decision-making skills, verbal and non-verbal communication, leadership qualities, teamwork, and physical fitness.
Personalized Feedback and Guidance:
- Helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, allowing focused preparation.
Holistic Development:
- Emphasis on cultivating essential qualities such as effective communication, leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, and a positive attitude.
- Enhances overall suitability and performance during the ISSB test.
The course covers all topics/tests featured in the ISSB test, namely
Personality Tests
Group Testing Officer's Tasks (GTO) - Indoors
Group Testing Officer's Tasks (GTO) - Outdoors
Course Content
PKR 3000
This Course Includes:
- High Scoring Challenge
- 5x Faster Learning
- Mastery Levels
- Concept Builder with Learning Box
- Testing and Re-Testing
- Progress Tracker
- Mentorship