High Scoring Course for Physical Education Teacher
The Path to Becoming a Dynamic Physical Education Teacher
This Course Includes:
- High Scoring Challenge
- 5x Faster Learning
- Mastery Levels
- Concept Builder with Learning Box
- Testing and Re-Testing
- Progress Tracker
- Mentorship

Course Overview
High Scoring Course for Physical Education Teacher
High Scoring Challenge: Challenge yourself until you master every concept
Learning box: Super Easy way to learn all the complex concepts
Time saver: 5x Faster Preparation. Score well in no time. Prepare in just 15 days
Bonus Feature: Tabir is Fun
Progress Bar: 100 percent progress at the progress bar means you are ready for your exam
Practice active learning techniques such as summarizing information in your own words or teaching concepts to someone else, this will help to become a better teacher.
Course Content
1Physical Education Teacher12 sub modules
Diseases First Aid and Common Health Instrumentsategory
Exercise and Effects of Exercise on Human Body
Games and Rules of Games
Historical Background of Olympics
History of Olympics and Rules of Games
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Index Numbers
Introduction to Physical Education
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion
Regression and Correlation
PKR 3360
This Course Includes:
- High Scoring Challenge
- 5x Faster Learning
- Mastery Levels
- Concept Builder with Learning Box
- Testing and Re-Testing
- Progress Tracker
- Mentorship